Graphic Content. Images, banners, skins, icons, wallpapers, and
basically ANYTHING created by the webmaster for use on their site. You have to
understand why we ask you not to take anything from our site without asking first. A
lot of time is involved in just creating a decent looking website. Yeah, Yahoo! and
FortuneCity and Tripod, and sites of that nature boast that you can create a webpage in
less than 10 minutes. It's true- you can, but have you seen those sites?
They're either the generic 'This is my homepage, and this is a pic of me' pages, or
they are a little bit more advanced looking, yet still generic, because they used a
template already designed for them. Now- I'm not knocking pre-designed templates.
I think if you don't know HTML, that's definitely a decent way to start out.
But the key phrase there, is 'start out'. If you want people to keep visiting
your site, you have to learn the top two things people look for in a website. #1.
Content. Games, pictures, media files, contests, WHATEVER. People like
substance. #2. Site design. If a site is well designed, people will come back.
And if your site has both, congratulations. You get a cookie.
But, back to my original point. To create a well-designed site takes time.
LOTS of time. This site took me about 9 days to create, from conception, to
posting, and I'm still not done. Now, of course, it wasn't 9 twenty-four hour days,
but I know I worked at lease six hours a day on it, and 6 x 9 = 54 hours. On the
banners, the AOMs, the wallpapers, and just all the *BLEEP*in' typing. My other
site, Anticipation, took a
lot less time, but then- it's not graphic-intensive.
Wallpapers take me about an hour each, depending on how many I do in one sitting. I
think the first two, in a session, usually take the longest, because you are getting in
your groove. You're pretty much doing trial and error, until things look right.
After that, it's smooth sailing. WinAmp skins... oh god, what sadistic
bastard thought that was a good idea? A cool idea, yes, but have you ever taken the
time to actually do a skin for the WinAmp player? A complete WinAmp skin is VERY
time consuming. There are a bajillion different panels and icons you have to
customize, some of which are VERY tiny, and then there's the fact that since a lot of the
icons and images overlap or sit on top of other panels, you have to basically image map.
And that's a process that's very precise, and very time-consuming. I'm in the
middle of my first skin, and it's already driving me mad, so I bow down to every one of
the really talented people who make good WinAmp skins. Hell, I'll even give mad
props to those who have made half-assed skins. It's not easy, and just the fact that
you have any kind of work to show for your efforts is great. (O.T.: I wish Microsoft would
let you create a skin for the IE browser. I think it would be cool to have a
psychadelic browser. And yes, I know there's Netopia, but Netopia is more unstable
than IE, and that's saying something!)
We have a lot of time (what day is it again?) and energy invested in our sites, and
they're very near and dear to our hearts. So, be a man(or woman), and do your own
 I know. I know. It seems that I have
a particular bias towards Kpop. I mean after all- this site is about Korean pop
music. It's not my fault! Honest! :) I blame it on Cable
Television. See, I was flipping through channels late at night, and I spotted the
International Channel. (Awesome station- if you have cable, and you don't have the
International Channel, bug your service provider for it.) And it's true that the
first thing I actually remember watching was the Chinese Top 20 program. But the
problem with that, is that the Chinese Top 20 is in Chinese. I don't speak Chinese
(though I do plan to learn), nor do I read Chinese, so developing a love for Chinese
artists just from that show seemed fruitless, because I couldn't look up an artist on the
Net, if I don't know that artist's name or the song title. So a few weeks later, I
stumbled across Music Video Heaven, a program for Korean music videos, and I fell in
love. Not only could I understand what's being said (the show is mainly for Korean
Americans, but is formatted in English), but the tags on the videos were Romanized(written
in English characters), so I could try searching for that artist. So my love began
there. I would write down the artists I liked, then try looking for them on the
That's also why I started this site. Korean music
sites (in English) are few and far between, and most just cater to someone's favorite
member of a group. So I'm sharing my love, by going out, finding information, and
compiling it here for your enjoyment. I've also started learning Korean, so I can
brave the Korean sites and bring you more artists and information. Aren't I sweet?
:) And actually, there are a lot of sites out there dedicated to asian pop, but you have
to know where to look. Doing a Yahoo! search is not going to turn up very many
(which is what I started out doing). Instead, go to a site advertising free
webpages, and search through their member directory. For instance, Yahoo! may only
return a hand full of sites dealing with 'kpop' or 'shinhwa', but Geocities has 40+ of
them. I think Tripod has even more, and I haven't even checked Angelfire or AOL yet.
I intended to make this just a general pop site, but I
thought the *NSYNC, Backstreet and Britney content would end up overshadowing the kpop
artists, so I decided to devote it solely to gayo music. (It's too bad, though- I
like Bhangra as well, and would love to share that, too. Maybe I can have a corner
to myself, where you can sample my other picks. Things outside the realm of Asian
music that I like. Whaddya think?)

what's in my cd player:
-JTL: I just received the cd from YesAsia, and you
best believe I'm wearing it out!
-Bhangra mp3s: As I understand it, Bhangra is
basically traditional Persian music, remixed with a pop flava. I have one that's
remixed with the theme to Knight Rider. Very cool. If you're on Audio Galaxy,
give me a yell sometime, and I'll send it to you. --Unfortunately, I'm still
looking for places to buy Bhangra music from- my local music stores, and my favorite
online stores don't have it. Curse me for being musically diverse! lol
-Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory is never far from my cd
player. It's just a good cd!
*keep in mind that my top 10 songs aren't necessarily
songs out now, they are just songs that I really identify with right now.
my top 10 (Korean):
1) JTL- Enter the Dragon
2) Shinhwa- Perfect Man
3) Fly To The Sky- Sea of Love
4) 1Tym- Mother
5) Baby VOX- Why
6) 1Tym- Hello?!
7) JTL- Just Say Goodbye
8) Shinhwa- Endless Love
9) 1Tym- Hip Hop Kids
10) JTL- Hard For Me
my top 10 (American)
1) Soft Cell- Tainted Love
2) Pink- Misery
3) Blessid Union of Souls- Light In Your Eyes
4) *NSYNC- Gone
5) Mariah Carey- Vanishing
6) Boyz II Men- On Bended Knee
7) Fiona Apple- Shadowboxer
8) Matchbox Twenty- Mad Season
9) Queen- Dust In The Wind
10) Aaliyah- I Refuse |