Welcome � This site is dedicated to Korean Pop
Music. The word 'shinja' means believer in Korean, and since I'm a lover and a believer of
pop music in general, I thought it was a fitting name for this site.� I will
occasionally post mp3s, wallpapers, etc. of non-kpop artists, in the Spotlight
section.� **Calendar for this month is at the bottom of the AOM section.
ATTENTION: Shinja will be moving THIS WEEKEND!!!
� Grand launch of the new site will be Monday, August 18th! � If you're using
the http://everything.at/adais/ link to get
here, don't worry- you can still use that.� I have my own domain!� I'm tired of
the ads, and I want to make more mp3s available.� (The 1 mb file size limit really
cramps my style.)
News Ticker (hover mouse over text to stop scroll)
To anyone who loved me on Audio Galaxy, and
for those who want to check out my mp3 stash, I'm now adais on KaZaA.� Actually I use
KaZaA Lite, because I like using Spyware-free software.� I use a dial-up connection
and I need all the bandwidth I can get.� You can download KaZaALite here.

8.1 AOM, etc. More wallpapers added, new AOM, more
lyrics added, pics and news.
7.17 News, etc.� Shinhwa lyrics added, more
wallpapers, and links.
7.14 Lyrics, Pics Konglish and translated lyrics
added.� More pics added.� AOM added.� Layout change.
7.5 News A fond farewell to another P2P.� More
content to come soon- I'm trying to find a free host with less strenuos FTP restrictions.
6.22 Content I've added discography, profiles and
pics of Shinhwa, JTL, Fly To The Sky, Baby VOX and 1Tym.� Also, the store is up.
Artist of the Month (AOM): Jun Jin |